Best Way For Women to Lose Belly Fat With Ab Exercises For Women

If you are a woman and you want to tone up the tummy and lose belly fat you need to make sure you are going against the prevailing myths on what are the best ab exercises for women.

ab roller wheel kit

Burning fat is around the midsection is not about doing thousands of countless crunches to isolate the muscles in the abdominals. The best way for a woman to lose fat around the belly is to adhere to a full-body workout routine that works all muscles in more complex movements designed to surge your metabolic rate high.

Simply doing isolating crunches for abs just doesn't burn many calories and the real secret to great abs is about their visibility by having a thin skin fold measurement on the belly which comes from fat loss more so than the actual development of the abdominal muscles. Ab exercises for women when done properly can give a full-body workout giving not only development in the abs but also a synergistic fat burning effect to make the abs visible.

Exercise Ball for Ab Exercises

You have probably seen pictures of people doing crunches on an exercise ball or even done them yourself. Unfortunately, this is about the extent of what anyone does with this piece of equipment. There are actually dozens of easy to advanced exercises for abs that women can use this for. The crunch on the ball is one example and can be a better fat burning exercise than doing crunches on a mat because of the stabilizing effort it requires in the hips, obliques, and thighs. This leads to more overall calories being burned.

Another great ab exercise for women on the exercise ball are variations of the pike. This is where you put your feet up on the ball and get into a pushup position. This will require some upper body strength and stabilization but that is also what makes it a better overall exercise. One method is to get into this position and then bring your knees to your chest rolling the ball towards you. Once you crunch yourself into this position then extend yourself back into the starting position. This is a fantastic exercise for the lower abs.

Ab Exercises with the Ab Wheel

Another very simple piece of equipment that can be kept at home is an ab roller or "Power Wheel". This is another often neglected exercise because so many people prefer the crunch. The ab wheel has handles on each side and you simply roll yourself forward while on your knees and then back to the start position. This is another exercise that has several variations, requires many stabilizing muscles, and will burn more overall calories leading to more efficient fat burning.

Intent Sports offers a wide range of exercise equipment, including yoga exercise balls, ab roller wheel kit, battle rope, jump rope, pull up bands, fitness products, and more.


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